Guided Zipline Tours in Jostedal, Sognefjord, Norway

Let SKYRAVN (CLOUD-RAVEN in Norwegian) take you on a zipline flight with Odin’s Ravens into the ravine, over the raging glacier river.

Huginn (Raven of Memories) and Muninn (Raven of Thoughts) traverse Midgard every day. Take their path, collecting your own thoughts (‘what the â€Ś..!!’) and lasting memories!


** The SkyRavn ziplines (cableway) are under construction & estimated date for opening is 12 July – this is subject to change. If any trip is not able to be taken because of delays in construction, bookings can either receive full refund or if you would like to raft or take a glacier tour, we can swap you onto an available tour, refunding any difference in trip prices, of course. **


SkyRavn Midgard logo
SkyRavn – Midgard – image of Zipline route through the ravine

Age 8+
2 hours
Jul – Oct

SkyRavn – Loke logo
SkyRavn – Loke – churning white water beneath the zipline route

Age 8+
3 hours
12 Jul – 15 Sep

SkyRavn – Odin logo
SkyRavn – Odin – dramatic scenery route to the zipline start

Age 12+
4 hours
12 Jul – 15 Sep

Accessible Tours

Wild Norwegian nature is available for everyone. Nothing stops us showing you a good time in the spectacular National Parks of Norway!