Norways Best Whitewater Rafting Tours based in Jostedal, Sognefjord, Norway

An exciting and scenic whitewater rafting tour through spectacular canyons & past ‘Elvepurka’!


2.5 hrs


12+ years


25 May – 15 Sep


Class III



The Elvepurka trip continues on from the Little Piggies, where we have taught control of the raft. So when the white water hits, you are able to get us through it…at least, that is the plan!

We first see the white-water once we have passed the ELVEPURKA rock that sticks out into the river – Norwegian folklore says this river pig is hungry for children, or any others passing by, so paddle quick. The river narrows into a canyon, creating a wave-train, wave after wave trying to knock us out. After the canyon there are surf waves we can try to catch before the final canyon and biggest waves of the tour

Success on this trip only means you will be eager to join BOSS HOG, where we find our biggest whitewater rafting section of the Jostedal river.

There is a four-person minimum for this whitewater tour. If you are less than 4 people, we can include you on tours with others, of course.

Do you have what it takes to face the infamous Norwegian “Elvepurka”? Book your whitewater rafting trip today!

Essential Info

  • This trip runs when minimum 4 people have booked.

    If you are less than 4 people, we can include you on trips with others, of course.

  • Underwear/swimming clothes and a towel.

  • Woolen or thermal top and/or socks (wool only!)

  • All rafting equipment, wetsuit, shoes, transport, ice cold water.

  • "Purkebingen", Jostedal Hotel, on road 604

    The trips begin at either 10:00 or 14:00 each day.

    Please arrive 10 minutes before start time.

Additional Info

  • • From Sogndal: take road 55 to Gaupne (approximately 30km).Turn left onto road 604 toward Breheimsenter and Jostedalen (approximately 29km to Jostedal Hotel – our meeting place). When you enter the village of Gjerde, the Hotel is on your right side, behind the “Joker” shop. Look for sign ‘Purkebingen’, our office.

    • From Lom: take road 55 to Gaupne. Turn right onto road 604 toward Breheimsenter and Jostedalen then follow the instructions above:follow the instructions above:

    ● Jostedal Hotel: view map

  • Jostedal Hotel or call +47 5768 3119 – The Hotel is our meeting place.

    Jostedal Camping or call +47 9775 6789 – The Camping is where we begin rafting.

    ● Jostedal Hotel/Camping: view map

  • We take pictures and videos of the trip, so you can concentrate on staying in the raft.